提供多款 Shadowrocket 规则,带广告过滤功能。用于 iOS 未越狱设备选择性地自动翻墙。 - Shadowrocket-ADBlock-Rules/sr_proxy_banad.conf at master · piaobocpp/Shadowrocket-ADBlock-Rules
Greetings. Have been reading your site a very long time: http://amasci.com/~billb/cgi-bin/guest1.html a project of mine, encouraged quite a lot by your site: https://notes.ponderworthy.com/engine-improvement-with-a-negative-ion-generator Many thanks! J.E.B. Jonathan E. Brickman To...
as thr ee blanks and t hree choi ces A,B and C, taken fr om the dia logu e. Fill in each of th e blanks wit h o ne o f th e ch oice s to com plete the dia lo gue a nd m ark your an swer on the A nswer Sh eet. Dialogu e On e 良辰美景奈何天,便赏心乐事谁家院...
2 02 3年军队文职人员招聘《英语语言文学》高分通关卷(五 ) 附详解 一、单选题 1 Themerefactthatweareonaone-to-onebas i sfor3hourseachday, fourdaysawee kfor8weeks, meansthat the Iessonsarevery i ntens i ve Av unconditionally B、 unbearabIy C\ unapproachabIy D、 unavoidably 答案:D 解析...
*open V . 打开 反义词 s h u t 或 close -o pe n your m o u t h 张开你的嘴 -o pe n m ind e d :开明的,愿意号虑不同意见和想法的 - M y mother is o pe n-m inded .我 的妈妈思想很开明。 -o pe ning time :开放时间,营业时间 *air 1 )v . 使…・通风 , 换换空气 -...
_test_lacah6xtqc7rzuyswd8, CookieStorage_status_test_lacbt9ahmacjgrls68c, CookieStorage_status_test_lacbbufa0agf7t03v5cu, CookieStorage_status_test_lacax9fietdu9ba3ww, CookieStorage_status_test_lacbq0azymceyhv1gr, CookieStorage_status_test_lacbqetc8s9k050lsnu, CookieStorage_status_test_...
Main (optional) parameters • lang: Language of the return message ('en' or 'de') • clTRI: The clTRI stands for Client Transaction Identifier and may be helpful for your support team Method parameters Are described in Chapter 2: Methods. 1 Overview 2. XML response format Ex...
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