2 files=['train_data.csv','test_data.csv'] #训练集、测试集 3 4 for file in files: 5 f=open(file_path+file,encoding='utf-8').readlines() 6 for i in range(1,len(f)): #从1遍历因为下标0为表头(label sentence1 sentence2) 7 s1,s2=f[i][2:].strip('\n').split('\t'...
Part I Ora l C ommu nication (1 0 po ints ) Sect io n A Direction s: In this se cti on there a re two inc omplete d ialogues and ea ch dialogue h as thr ee blanks and t hree choi ces A,B and C, taken fr om the dia logu e. Fill in each of th e blanks wit h...
Remember, w hile you are doing the test, you should first put dow n your answ ers in your test booklet, NOT on the A NSW ER SHEET . At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto A NSW ER SHEET 1....
DaaasswiawasowaasuuntaasuwalnswROGPhone 了oualfinauYnsntWANOALNY2ntb ReL eege 1转台到各到,和各后二二二吧 eeeu -1nyimnonwtnntxdNIAUS -daynonwunnagN1Nnn5HNAMYmaaznTYwH RE 182184到了7 PEEUEI ?anwnumanEuunvnaagiaNsguaa3?sualtm6nnsggpnunuagnyUzmYnROGPhone ...
DaaasswiawasowaasuuntaasuwalnswROGPhone 了oualfinauYnsntWANOALNY2ntb ReL eege 1转台到各到,和各后二二二吧 eeeu -1nyimnonwtnntxdNIAUS -daynonwunnagN1Nnn5HNAMYmaaznTYwH RE 182184到了7 PEEUEI ?anwnumanEuunvnaagiaNsguaa3?sualtm6nnsggpnunuagnyUzmYnROGPhone ...
"integrity": "sha1-63d99gEXI6OxTopywIBcjoZ0a9I=", "requires": { "mime-types": "2.1.18", "negotiator": "0.6.1" } }, "acorn": { "version": "5.5.3", "resolved": "http://registry.npm.taobao.org/acorn/download/acorn-5.5.3.tgz", "integrity": "sha1-9HPdR+Anegj...
Preston mentions that doctors say the source of smallpox is a spot at the back of the throat. (Based on what evidence, I wonder?) The deciding test: if any population still had smallpox, the victims could be tested by breathing into a particle counter (the sort used for air quality ...
I suppose that it ls unappealingly naive to expect the Canadian reviewer to know more than the book's author does, but I do not tbll it unreasonable for the reviewer to understand the author's point, and even to dllss its merits, befoE abjuring it. In a lot of discipliner the tyro...
_test_lac9v4nggdu3gyf79er, CookieStorage_status_test_lacb2t4hst9xrnda4ya, CookieStorage_status_test_lacc0w3fx3jtorxo1y8, CookieStorage_status_test_lacbtwcyvfxnsw2e799, CookieStorage_status_test_lacba4z2jcquhaqnxs, CookieStorage_status_test_lacc2n35m0qoemqgxz, CookieStorage_status_test_...
copper and brass (bronze) based alloys, for use in printing, inks, plastics and other industrial and engineering applications. The Ink Operation at Darwen is responsible for the manufacture of a wide range and type of printing ink , ’one— pack gold ink , varnish and related printing product...