How To Read A Book 作者是著名教育学家莫提默·J. 艾德勒,他于1940年完成了图书的第1版, 1972年和哥伦比亚大学教授查尔斯·范多伦一起对书籍进行了大幅度增补改写。虽然这本书出版至今已经近半个世纪了,但它书中所提倡的阅读方法和核心理念在今天仍然被无数人推崇,指导着无数人走优秀走向卓越!How To Read...
Setting a time frame specifically reserved for reading each and every day is the single best thing to do to read more books.为每一天的阅读设定一个时间框架是阅读更多书籍的最佳选择。This creates a non-negotiable block of time which you can use to incrementally hack away at your reading goals ...
How to Read a BookBooks can be your best friends. (1) They can introduce you to things you may never see …But do you know how to read them in order to get the fullest enjoyment possible?The following tips should help. • (2) Look in the library or in one of the large booksto...
How to Read a Book Books can be your best friends. 1 They can introduce you the things you may never see. But do you know how to read them in order to get the fullest enjoyment possible? The following tips should help.1. Find a book. Look in the library or in one of the larg...
《How to Read a Book》读书方法与技巧笔记:明确阅读目的:阅读非虚构类书籍时,专注于理解作者的核心观点和逻辑结构,快速浏览全文以抓取关键信息,节省时间并提高效率。设定时间限制:为阅读制定时间表,合理规划每本书的阅读时长。每次阅读时专注于特定目标,并在有限时间内最大化知识吸收。间隔休息有...
one of my students asked why "you shall" was used in a text. This highlighted a common issue: many learners struggle to distinguish between reading for pleasure and reading to learn English as a second language. This leads to a vital question: How does one choose a book that benefits Engl...
In many cases, I find that I can usually get just as much useful information from readingmy one-paragraph summary and reviewing mynotes as I would if I read the entire book again.1.36A: Combine thoughts as you read.B: All knowledge is interconnected.C: Describe the book to your friends...
How to get into the habit of readingA good book can teach you things beyond your class. It can open your eyes andclear your minds. If you want to get into a good reading habit, there are a number ofways to develop it.Plan your timeYou should give yourself at least thirty minutes in...