To get to this quest location easily, speak to one of the event NPCs near the snow globe in your faction’s main city for Winter Veil (Ironforge for Alliance and Orgrimmar for Horde) and ask to be transported to Hillsbrad Foothills. You can get there manually, but this lets you arrive...
In general, PvP servers have been leading the WoW Classic queue times, though plenty of PvE servers are also 'Full'. That's partly because, unlike live World of Warcraft, players can’t opt into or out of world PvP. To battle other players in the open world, you must either choose ...
Everyone screaming/asking for this has another thing in their head of what housing is supposed to be. And no concept of... what is feasible for wow. A really really old game by now. So no matter what they do IMHO after creating housing more people would quit over it than people would...