For those who are doing the quest now in wow classic. I can confirm the amount of the mats are correct. Some additional info: the fight against imps and dread guards are very tough and longer than you expected, don’t watch old stream/videos guide on YouTube. They only showed 60-80%...
Here comes the third official Classic city tour, after Stormwind and Orgrimmar got their spot in the sun, its time for Ironforge to get its turn... well, not exactly in the sun, but still. You can also check out the way to get around Azeroth as a whole r
Welcome to our rogue leveling guide for WoW Classic! When it comes to deception and mastering the shadows, there simply isn’t a better class than the rogue. Through the use of energy and combo points, rogues effectively string together attacks for a flu
Olmin Burningbeard— Ironforge Regnus Thundergranite— Ironforge Thorfin Stoneshield— Stormwind City Thorgas Grimson— Dun Morogh Ulfir Ironbeard— Stormwind City 5. Hunter Guides for World of Warcraft: Classic For information on how best to play your Hunter in Classic, you can check out the...
There is no PvP group finder system in Classic – so players must group up and travel to the Battlemaster NPC in the main cities to join the battle. Alliance Battlemaster Locations Ironforge: The Military Ward Stormwind: Stormwind Keep
you might want to try leveling your low level fishing in Ironforge until you catch Old Ironjaw. Although this is the least profitable way to level fishing since you’ll vendor everything you catch. And it might take until level 525 to actually catch Old Ironjaw (I caught him around level...
Here’s everything you need to know about the current server population numbers for WoW Cataclysm Classic in February 2025.
Finding trainers and supplies can take a little extra time to adjust to in WoW® Classic, but we’ve got a handy guide to help you get around the dwarf capital city of Ironforge.
Farming is one of the most common ways to earn gold in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. You can farm for various items, such as cloth, leather, herbs, and ore, which can be sold for a good price in the auction house. You can also farm for rare items that drop from specific mobs,...
Either Ironforge or Stormwind are ideal places for newcomers to the game to learn more and feel part of a bustling world of players. Dwarves have four varied racial perks: Find Treasure: This allows you to sense nearby treasure, making it appear on the minimap. Frost Resistance: This ...