Inazuma is technically the third region you get to explore in Genshin Impact, and getting there is tied directly to the main Archon Quest. It is far away, being separate from the main landmass that has Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru, and Fontaine....
This gives you free rein to explore the new area with everyone else, even if you’ve not done the prior Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru quests. That’s all you need to know about how to get to Fontaine in Genshin Impact. For more guides, we have pages covering our ranking of the best...
While exploring, the best areas to go for in order from highest priority to lowest priority are as follows: Dragonspine, Sumeru, Inazuma, Liyue, and Mondstadt, due to the amount of primogems awarded for each chest opened. If you have found a seelie’s court but can’t find the seelie,...
Once you are there, go to bounties. It has 3 levels, so choose the one you prefer and remember that enemies can be invulnerable to some elements! Once you accept one, a yellow circle will appear on the map. That’s where your enemy is! When you defeat them, go back to the reputa...
Throughout the game, you’ll find floating emblems that represent the element of each corresponding region (Amenoculus for Mondstadt, Geoculus for Liyue, Electroculus for Inazuma, Dendroculus for Sumeru, and so on). Collect these objects and give them to Statues of the Seven.[25] Giving ...