How to get to Inazuma fastTo reach Inazuma, the land of thunder and the Electro Archon, you must complete the main story quest Archon Quest Chapter II: Act I – The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia, and you must be Adventure Rank 30 to first unlock this quest....
Unlike other areas such as Inazuma, you don’t have to worry about being unable to reach the area due to story reasons. This gives you free rein to explore the new area with everyone else, even if you’ve not done the prior Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru quests. That’s all you need ...
Travel back to the Teleport Waypoint east of the Domain. The fastest way to get to the Stone Tablet, is by going outside (instead of entering the cave and walking up). As soon as you are in open air, start climbing the rocks on you right. Keep climbing until you reach another ...