Throughout Paldea, and particularly during Tera Raids that you’ll regularly find, you’ll get Tera Shards. You’re not told how to use these, nor are you told how to switch up your Pokemon’s Tera Type. That said, in this guide we’re going to explainhow to use Tera Shards and c...
You will also receive a handful of other items, such as Feathers, Tera Shards, and evolutionary items, every time you oust some ogres. What does Mochi do? Each game of Ogre Oustin’ rewards you with Mochi. Mochi works the same way Vitamins do, allowing you to increase the Effor...
if you want Water Tera Shards, you can get some by fighting a Pokémon with a Water Tera-type. Tera Raids are also good ways to find Terastallized Pokémon. However, wild Stellar-type Terastallized Pokémonare not available at the start of The Indigo Disk. There...
One of the main features that The Pokemon Company showcased before the release ofPokemon Scarlet and Violetwas that you could play the game with your pals. Fast forward to its release, Scarlet and Violet’s online multiplayer component is confusing and weird. At first, it may seem like you’...