Throughout Paldea, and particularly during Tera Raids that you’ll regularly find, you’ll get Tera Shards. You’re not told how to use these, nor are you told how to switch up your Pokemon’s Tera Type. That said, in this guide we’re going to explainhow to use Tera Shards and c...
Mewtwo is here for a limited time so we prepared this guide to help you beat the newly announced tera raid for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
Players will only be able to capture one copy of the Generation 8 Pokémon in the new Nintendo Switch games through these raids, but they will be able to challenge it multiple times for rewards, such as EXP Candy and Tera Shards. 7-Star Tera Raids have been happening frequently in the ne...
According to legend, this came from a Doric Invasion from Persia, but there is little evidence to support this. There is evidence that the palace was burned down around 1250 BC. From this point, Greece enters into a Dark Age. 39. Classical Greek Civilization Ancient Greece emerged from its...