For years now, we’ve foundSideQuestto be the easiest way to put this content on the Quest 2,Quest Pro, the originalOculus QuestandQuest 3, whilepast updateshave made the software even more powerful. What is sideloading? ‘Sideloading’ is a term applied to content loaded onto modern comput...
To do that, you need to be already set up for transfer via cable connection. Go into the SideQuest app and pop in your local IP address. You can reveal your local IP address by clicking the Wi-Fi icon whilst in Quest’s home environment, selecting the network you’re currently connected...
3.) Follow the installer instructions to get SideQuest installed on your Quest headset. Once SideQuest is installed, you can launch the app from your headset by following these steps: 1.) Tap the Oculus button on the right controller to open the universal menu. 2.) Select the app drawer ...
How to Allow USB Debugging Between Oculus Quest 2 and SideQuest Enabling USB Debugging on your Quest 2 will allow easy data transfer between the PC and the headset itself. Thankfully, the process to do so is very easy. Simply start up SideQuest on your PC and then follow the steps below:...
Here’s how to play games on your Quest 2 through Air Link: Once you’ve connected via Air Link, you will see this screen. You can launch games that you own through the Oculus or Meta Store through this screen, or To play a game, either open the game directly through the desktop or...
her powers, she'll actually show up during the fight as a dragon to deal a decent amount of damage to the Revenant Dragon. You can complete this quest by discovering six of Solas' statues, completing his sidequests throughout The Crossroads, and getting to certain parts of the main story...
Hogwarts Legacy: How to breed magical beasts (Image credit: Windows Central) You can breed magical beasts in the Room of Requirement's Vivariums, however, you'll first need to unlock these areas. To do that, you'll need to advance through House Elf Deek's sidequests and complete the on...
Buthow does SideQuest work?Let me show you. As I did on my post abouthow to get started with Oculus Quest development in Unity,I’ve prepared for you both a video and textual tutorial about it. Aren’t I cool? (If your answer is yes,sustain my hard work on Patreon!) ...
To get this, you must’ve activated Randolph’s sidequest “Cursed Legend” at Lestallum (found in a back alley) in Chapter 15 (post-game). Randolph here gives you five quests to slay some powerful beasts just to get a new post-game reward after the completion of each. This here’s ...
This will install the older version of Beat Saber on your Quest, which may take a minute. SideQuest will tell you when it’s done. Step 4: Install BMBF Finally, you’re prepared to install BMBF (it doesn’t stand for anything), through which you’ll access custom Beat Saber songs. T...