Winterize your home:Make sure doors have adequate weather stripping and that windows have tight-fitting screens. Caulk all potential openings on the outside of your home. If they never get inside, you won’t have to learn how to get rid of ladybugs in the house. ...
Ladybug Lady: Ladybug Infestation Bug Killing: "How to Get Rid of Ladybugs"; Joseph Then; April 2011 Recommended Ladybugs are small beetles that are extremely beneficial in gardens, where they attack and eat aphids on plants. Since the aphids can harm desirable plants and can also attract ant...
As an alternative to the vacuum method, here are someeco-friendly and ladybug-friendly methods of controlling a ladybug infestation, including making a quick & easyladybug condofor the winter months. Home remedies that others have used to get rid of ladybugs inside their home: Use flea bombs...
if they begin to look discolored or the leaves seem to be wilting away, spider mites may have moved in to your hosta bed for a long summer’s snack. To get rid of spider mites on hostas you’ll need to start with simple remedies, and if these don't work you can escalate...
How to Get Rid of Squash Bugs as Adults Happy Gardening! Most of us who are growing a garden right now can commiserate with one another over the persistent problem of a squash bug population (otherwise known as leaf-footed beetles or stink bugs) ravaging our summer squash, pumpkins, cucumbe...
These include lady bugs, predatory mites, lacewings and spider mite destroyers. These insects are harmless to people, pets and plants. This solution is most effective if you are able to get the good bugs as eggs (adults will generally just fly away)....
Home remedies such as planting marigolds, fritillarias, alliums, and the castor bean plant as mole barriers in the garden is often recommended, but in my experience, doing so provides little to no success. Should you get rid of grubs to get rid of moles?
Pumpkins are a fall staple. The plump, round fruits are displayed in autumn decor, carved into jack-o'-lanterns and made into soups and pies. But there are a few pests and diseases that can spoil the fall fun for gardeners. Knowing how to spot these prob
Did you know you can treat acne with banana peels? Just rub the peel on your skin to get rid of acne, old scars, and even fine lines and wrinkles!
If you suffer from a dust allergy, dust can cause real issues. Read our tips on how to get rid of dust mites in your home.