Garlic, neem oil, and chili pepper sprays are among the homemade remedies that can deter unwanted visitors. These DIY solutions are not only effective but also environmentally friendly, keeping your garden free from chemical interventions. As you embark on the journey of pest-proofing your garden...
Dragonflies, spiders, ants, and ladybugs are some of the beneficial insects you might want to consider luring to your yard as they’ll feast on the termites too. 7. Schedule a home inspection (Image credit: Shutterstock) If you’re worried that you’re not doing a thorough enough check ...
These homemade bug sprays are not effective for all rose bush pests. These sprays won’t necessarily get rid of adult ladybugs, grasshoppers, red ants, sowbugs and Colorado potato beetles. Related Articles Insect pests and diseases can wreak havoc on a rose garden, disfiguring blossoms and leav...
Using Home Remedies for Whiteflies If you have a whitefly problem, avoid using insecticides. First, it's important to protectpollinatorsthat visit the same garden. Second, lacewings, lady beetles, and spiders are natural whitefly predators. If you rid your garden of them, you won't be able ...
Here are some last ditch remedies to improve your house so it can look better in the eyes of property valuation team so it can merit higher value. Repaint Your House If your house looks old and rusty, repaint it so it will be aesthetically appealing that would also connote a well-maintain...
One of the numerous problems homeowners face is pests. The sight of cockroaches, termites, or mice in your home is a huge issue that should stress you a lot. Although some folks recommend the use of home remedies to eliminate pests, the ugly truth is that they never work effectively. Disc...
I’m using this plus I’m using a few other products that, yes, are chemicals, but I’ve had so many issues with keeping pests out of that house even with natural remedies that the only thing that has worked was a flea bomb inside the house. So I’ll be taking my cats for a dr...