So what should you do to get rich ? Save your money. Save as much money as you possibly can. Every penny you can. Instead of coffee, drink water. Instead of going to McDonalds, eat Mac and Cheese. Cut up your credit cards. If you use a credit card, you dont want to be rich. ...
First you play the role of li yang fang and then the role of Susan you partner Mike has and Kim sun you are at the airport to meet you visitor you know each other so great you visit first talk with him and then take him to the hotel. Pledged to meet you representative someone answe...
If you want to be rich, it’s important to be friends with the right people. Many people will find that, as they get richer, the friendships that they had before also change. If you’re rich, it’s harder to be friends with people who are adverse to money, business, and investing....
I also recommend highlighting the book’s chapter headings as you’re reading. You won’t always write a book summary, chapter by chapter, but for certain books, where each chapter builds on the last, it’s much easier to get an overview of your notes and highlights. Step 2. Write the...
# 1 – How to Live Before You Die – Steve Jobs Summary:Just watch it. Nothing I can say will do this talk justice. If this post on The Best Ted Talks Ever was helpful, do you mind helping me out by taking a second to retweet, stumble, or share this post on Facebook? Thanks!
"I purchased Mark's book "The UnCanadian Way to get rid of your Mortgage and build Wealth" spontaneously after visiting his site. Packed with solid, actionable advice, this book eliminates the fluff so prevalent in normal finance books and clearly explai
By writing a keyword-rich LinkedIn summary, you can become more visible to potential prospects and recruiters in search results. If you include keywords such as “content,”“management,” and “analysis” in your bio, you may attract more views. Ready to get started writing your LinkedIn ...
This complete guide will teach you how to start a blog, from start to finish. Learn how to choose a blogging platform, set up your blog and monetize it.
Then, set the tone for the article by sharing a brief summary of what you’re going to talk about in the body text. This gives your readers a reason to keep going. Next, fill in the body text. In your outline, these are the bullet points beneath each subheading. This is the meat ...
How to use Icecream Ebook Reader to open MOBI files Download the MOBI reader on your Windows PC, install and open the program. Tap the"Add book"button to browse a single file. Press the"Add folder"to insert a folder containing electronic books of the supported formats. Alternatively, just ...