关于<How to Get Rich (without getting lucky)>一开始是Naval Ravikant发了一个很长的推特谈自己的财富观,一共40条金句,引起网络上的极大反响。之后,Naval接受了播客采访,对于这40条逐一做出了解释。访谈进行了约3.5小时,文字记录约43000+单词,内容非常全面,全文被梳理总结并刊登在:https://nav.al/rich关于<The...
The problem is that to win at a status game, you have to put somebody else down. That’swhy you should avoid status games in your life because they make you into an angrycombative person. You’re always fighting to put other people down, to put yourself andthe people you like up. 追...
Some people say that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young people's reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or ...
Gene Weingarten
And it is important for you to be able to understand and use the correct word when doing the text and writing. Dictation. You're going to hear 10 sentences to the word you hear in its sentence. Informal contractions. Words like gonna or wanna informal contractions or thought forms of ...
How to Become Rich Beyond Your Dreams in 15 Steps #15. Set Goals Photo Credit: Shutterstock. The most successful people set goals. Not only do they know what they want out of life, they develop the steps to get there. Don’t think this is a process that takes a lot of work. ...
Write Yourself Rich! Digital publishing now makes it possible for anyone to write and sell their knowledge worldwide. But your book can be so much more than printed words. It can be your ticket to fame, fortune, and respect in your field. Let Book Writing Magic show you how to do it ...
Discovering what bestselling novelistDean Koontzcalls the Classic Story Structure (in hisHow to Write Best-Selling Fiction)changed my writing forever. My book sales took off when I started following his advice: Plunge your main character into terrible trouble as soon as possible. ...
With the help ofeBook creation software tools and packages, it has become very easy foreducational publishersto create and publish eBooks. Although the print book sales are dwindling, eBook is a safe investment as people are evidently going for a digital future. ...
To start writing a book and get your first draft, it’s not enough to focus on the ‘what’. Instead, you need to focus on the ‘why’. That’s easier said than done! So what are some ways you can find and use your deeper motivation for writing a book? Envision the end. Often...