129 What it takes to launch a telescope Erika Hamden 07:19 130 What prosecutors and incarcerated people can learn from each other Jarrell D 12:05 131 What refugees need to start new lives Muhammed Idris 06:08 132 What you should know about vaping and e cigarettes Suchitra Krishnan Sarin...
There are many reasons people vape. Among them is a vaping industry,with deep pockets, that's expert at manipulating young people to start and continuevaping. So be compassionate and try not to judge yourteen. Lecturing, criticizing and being punitive won't help them quit. Position yourself a...
001 How I'm using biological data to tell better stories and spark social change 07:50 020 Why 1.5 billion people eat with chopsticks Small Thing Big Idea a TED series 03:28 019 How to turn off work thoughts during your free time Guy Winch 12:30 018 How civilization could destroy ...
The article discusses the need for more research on how to prevent vaping among young people. While many countries have implemented regulations to reduce the use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) by youth, such as sales bans, there is little evidence ...
“Those associations can become very hard to break. You're maybe not aware of the feelings, the people, the places, or different situations that are cueing your brain to say, ‘Hey, vaping would feel really good right now.’” Becoming aware of your habits is the first step toward ...
There are very few people asking how to quit vaping but there are those few out there, and this article is for them. If you are wanting to quit vaping,
Tobacco smoking remains a key cause of preventable illness and death globally. In response, many countries provide extensive services to help people to stop smoking by offering a variety of effective behavioural and pharmacological therapies. However, ma
Healthcare workers have become extremely active in publicizing the negative effects of smoking. Healthcare workers have been instrumental in passing various legislation to limit smoking in public. As a result, the proportion of people in the US who smoke has dropped from 40.4% in 1965 to around...
8. Avoid substitutes & vaping. Nicotine Patches, gums, nasal sprays and e-cigs just keep the addiction alive Do not use anynicotine substitutes. They all make it more difficult to stop because they perpetuate the illusion that you’re making a sacrifice. ...
While vaping was initially thought to be better for your health than smoking tobacco, new research may suggest otherwise. Here's a guide on how to quit for good