How to help someone quit vaping (170) How to help someone stop vaping (110) How to help someone to stop vaping (10)
Once yourchildis motivated, it's time to set a goal to quit. Work with your teen to develop a SMART goal that isSpecific,Measurable,Achievable,Relevant, with aTimeframe. That goal might be to quit vaping by a certain date. But your teen may need to set smaller goals first. This might...
There are very few people asking how to quit vaping but there are those few out there, and this article is for them. If you are wanting to quit vaping,
How to Help Someone Overcome Drug Addiction 2019-06-08 | No Comments | Drugs Do you know that you can help someone overcome drug addiction? Yes, you can, but not on your own. If you have a loved one struggling with drug addiction, you need some help from a professional. Most rehab...
Here, Dr. Mora and a few other experts weigh in on how to quit with the help of your support system, health care providers, and, in some cases, nicotine replacement therapy. There’s no single way to break up with vaping, but knowing what your options are can set you on the path ...
While vaping was initially thought to be better for your health than smoking tobacco, new research may suggest otherwise. Here's a guide on how to quit for good
Reach out to someone you trust to share how you’re feeling. Talking to a friend or counsellor can ease emotional strain. Avoid redosing While it may be tempting to take more of the drug to counter the comedown, this is the trap and will not help you to freedom and can worsen sympt...
Doctors said that there are strategies to help people address those symptoms and give up vaping for good. How to stop vaping — Make a plan. Part of planning to quit involves figuring out your triggers: what motivates you to vape, and what people or settings you need to avoid as you we...
With a vaping lung disease outbreak in the U.S., many are looking to quit Juul and other types of ecigarettes. Read on for expert tips on how to quit vaping and Juuling.
Point them in the direction of help; although there seems like there’s lots of help for problem gamblers and gambling addicts it’s actually very difficult to find someone to help in the first instance. It only takes one disappointing phone call to a stranger on the end of a phone at ...