You canget the Premium Warbond inHelldivers 2from the Acquisition Centrefor 1,000 SC. If you’re on PS5, hold down the Triangle button in the Acquisition Centre to get to the Premium Warbond. On PC, it’s easier to inspect the Warbonds tab of the Acquisition Centre. Pressing R on your...
While fighting you, the Factory Strider spawns enemies to fight against you. Not only do you have to watch out for the forward guns of this monstrosity, but expect reinforcements to support it, with several of the smaller grunts moving on your position. You want to remain out of sight as ...
Yet another one of Chris’ guns is the Dragoon Assault Rifle. This gun is as cool as it sounds, but with the only major downside being, like all of Chris’ other weapons, it cannot be upgraded in any way. That said, it is plenty strong enough to serve you on a normal difficulty ru...
but the real use of this weapon comes in it also inflicting frost and spirit damage, as well as causing a ton of knockback to any enemy unlucky enough to get hit by it. Between the damage
Besides the five weapons you get at the start of the game, there are three extra weapons you can unlock through progression in Wild Hearts: Hand Cannon, Claw Blade, and Karakuri Staff. The Hand Cannon is your standard point-and-shoot gun, similar to the bowguns from Monster Hunter. It ...
The most realistic game 2024. If you own a mouse, you have to play this.DesertOrder Undo Most items have bonuses for certain abilities, stats or other modifiers. You can change some of these from one bonus to another by enchanting the item, though only one bonus on an item can be chan...
In this Skyrim romance guide, we'll be detailing how to marry Serana, your vampire companion through the Dawnguard expansion. However, you can't marry Serana...
MARTIN GARCIA: So what you're trying to do is you and three other friends-- or you can mod it, I think, and you can get a larger group. It's very similar to a Lethal Company, kind of like Phasmophobia, where there's a group of you. You are essentially trying to become viral...
possible responses. Choosing the best response will fill two segments of the bar above the Digimon's head, while the other answers will remove segments or add only one. If players have three or more filled at the end of the battle, they'll be able to ask Andromon to become their ...
There are also anti aircraft guns (the red icons) that you'll need to take out before you can fly freely around. What interesting this time is that while the map is huge it looks full of a lot more varied this time, with urban, industrial and military areas, as well plenty of ...