You canget the Premium Warbond inHelldivers 2from the Acquisition Centrefor 1,000 SC. If you’re on PS5, hold down the Triangle button in the Acquisition Centre to get to the Premium Warbond. On PC, it’s easier to inspect the Warbonds tab of the Acquisition Centre. Pressing R on your...
Besides the five weapons you get at the start of the game, there are three extra weapons you can unlock through progression in Wild Hearts: Hand Cannon, Claw Blade, and Karakuri Staff. The Hand Cannon is your standard point-and-shoot gun, similar to the bowguns from Monster Hunter. It ...
If you're in need of the strongest weapons to spread democracy across the galaxy and make Super Earth proud, here are the best weapons you should drop with in Helldivers 2. Best Helldivers 2 weapons Depending on what enemies you expect to face in a mission, mainly either bugs or robots, ...
Yet another one of Chris’ guns is the Dragoon Assault Rifle. This gun is as cool as it sounds, but with the only major downside being, like all of Chris’ other weapons, it cannot be upgraded in any way. That said, it is plenty strong enough to serve you on a normal difficulty ru...
- Well, I have my staples. I still play Fortnite with coworkers, Horde and Gears, I play with coworkers. And my brother even convinced me to try Final Fantasy, which has been an adventure. It's been fun. But recently, I've been fighting for Super Earth on Helldivers 2. ...
Pick from one of 50+ robots and choose from a huge arsenal of guns, rockets, and more to make your mech the very best it can be. Your choices are almost limitless, and you can customize it for all sorts of different play styles. Once you’re ready, head into one of the 14 maps ...
presented with different random options, but the price will go up. The choices you get will relate to the gear type too. So you won't roll a damage bonus on a pair of gloves, for example, but you might be able to reroll it to a different resistance type, or to get a defensive ...
The best responses to Andromon's actions are actually quite similar tothe ones for Numemom, which is perhaps a little surprising given how different the two Digimon are. Players will want to remain calm and quiet while in the presence of Andromon, though there's nothing wrong with showing...
What interesting this time is that while the map is huge it looks full of a lot more varied this time, with urban, industrial and military areas, as well plenty of other different stuff to keep thing interesting. You'll get a chance to see how all this island life plays out when Far...
Helldivers 2: all Boosters and how to get them How to rank up fast in Modern Warfare 3: best ways to farm XP The best skills to research first in Payday 3 All weapons in Payday 3 and how to unlock them Most of the time in BattleBit Remastered, you'll probably be more focused on ...