When it comes to effective tips on how to get an orgasm for men, you should consider stroking your sack. Before you ejaculate, the testicles will rise up near the body to offer more power to the ejaculation. And if you gently press upward on the testicles right before ejaculation, it may...
High estrogen levels in men can cause abnormal breast enlargement (gynecomastia), testicular shrinkage, infertility, sexual dysfunction, and a decrease in muscle mass. It can also lead to mood swings, depression, decreased libido, fatigue, and increased fat storage. High estrogen levels are linked ...
up to 10% of women experience depression that may be caused by unstable estrogen levels. Some studies suggest that using a transdermal estrogen patch by itself can improve depression duringperimenopause,but this is not a standard practice of care. Women in these studies ...
Hormonal changes that lower estrogen levels as seen postpartum, in perimenopause, and menopause will affect libido and vaginal lubrication, says Dr. Ross. “The female hormone estrogen plays a key role in women’s sexual functioning as it helps maintain the genital tissue sensitivity, elasticity, ...
I have found that I, as well as many other thyroid patients, feel best when my TSH is between 0.5 and 2 μIU/mL (for elderly clients, up to 2.5 μIU/mL). Some integrative professionals will go as far as to say that people should have a TSH of right around 1 μIU/mL or below...
Estrogen is a hormone that helps maintain your vagina’s lubrication, elasticity, and thickness. When yourestrogen levels are low, you can experience thinning, drying, and inflammation of your vaginal walls. Over time,a dry vaginacan lead to microscopic cuts that may burn or itch. Dryness relat...
Some kits can offer even more specific information about when you'll ovulate. They do this by also testing forestradiol(estrogen.) You'll have very high levels of it on the day you ovulate. If you're trying to get pregnant, it helps to have sperm already in your body when you ovulate...
I’ve shared with you all before onmy journey to balancing my hormones. Like many women, I was very estrogen dominant in my thirties. This led to anxiety, swollen breasts, and ovarian cysts. Sadly our environment makes this balancing act very challenging. The benefits of having healthy level...
Specifically, you have elevated estrogen levels. Estrogen builds the lining of your uterus. If you’re eating a diet that prevents your liver from breaking down this hormone, it can build up and wreak havoc on your cycle. In addition to the heavy bleeding and clots, you may also struggle ...
Not only are sesame seeds an excellent source of calcium, they are also full of lignans which are known to bind excess estrogen. Like all hormones, proper estrogen levels are very important for men and women but since this salad is the “anit-wussy” salad, we want to reduce estrogen lev...