Boost is also the only way to get back to 100% health when damaged, other than using a rarely found medkit. If you make it to the late-game and have a stack of boost items, it’s worth keeping your bars topped up even if you have full health. Distance and rangefinding The PUBG...
How to use Fallout Mods with ExaGear RPG -I recommend using the GOG versions of fallout 1 and 2 but the CD and DVD versions should work fine. I don't believe the steam versions work. -Locate your Fallout 1 or 2 game data folder in order to begin patching it. Get your cop...
Despite short completion times there are some games i still want to get around to playing, Darksiders 3 and Devil May Cry 5 for example as i loved the previous installments (even DMC gameplay wise, not story wise). Im also looking forward to The Surge 2 as Deck13's previous...