which prompted us to prepare this Civ 6 Tier List. This, of course, is not a bad thing: Civilization is notoriously addictive and one of the most re-playable games we’ve ever enjoyed, largely due to its layers of depth and freedom to play your own way. Throw in some randomness each...
6T_GrandEras Version1.4.1 Minor change to enable compatibility with 6T_GrandEras mod. Read the rest of this update entry... Civ6: Real Strategy Real Natural Disasters Real Tech Tree Real Building Upgrades Real Eurekas Real Era Stop Real Science Pace Real Great Musicians Civ6 UI: Real Grea...
GalCiv IV was a big departure from previous GalCiv games. Some (a lot) of the criticism was justified because many of the new ideas didn’t really get balanced as well as they should. In aturnbased game, pacing is everything. Imagine if it takes 8 turns on average to research a tec...
The cost goes up the more cities there are in the empire.]=]; MutuallyExclusiveGroup=-1; NeverCapture=true; NukeImmune=true; Cost=125; NumCityCostMod=30; HurryCostModifier=-1; MinAreaSize=-1; BuildingClass="BUILDINGCLASS_HEROIC_EPIC"; ArtDefineTag="ART_DEF_BUILDING_HEROIC_EPIC"; Trained...
Each game uses a standard scenario file for the rules used in default games. By opening this file in your main game folder (named civ3mod.bic for Vanilla, civ3X.bix for Play the World, and conquests.biq for Conquests) with the editor, you can modify the rules in this scenario file....
Cities either need access to a fresh water supply (river or lake) or need an aqueduct to grow beyond size 6. To grow beyond size 12 you need to invent Sanitation and build hospitals. Meaning of Numbers & Icons: The large number on the left shows the size of the city (red if the ci...
With all the disadvantages, I tend to only clear 6 or 7 whip anger in a Marathon or Epic speed game using a 1-city AI to take the city gift. Creative Civs (+2 per turn) have a real advantage with this technique because lost Monuments are no biggie and lost Libraries can be rebuilt...
intCity:GetLocalResourceWonderProductionMod(BuildingTypebuilding) intCity:GetNumActiveBuilding(BuildingTypebuildingType) intCity:GetNumBuilding(BuildingTypebuildingType) intCity:GetNumFreeBuilding(BuildingTypeindex) intCity:GetNumRealBuilding(BuildingTypeindex) ...
诸葛弩(弩手) 弓箭 6 1 60 机械 中国+铁 先攻2,对肉搏50%(9),集群伤害 步枪手/掷弹兵 战士 肉搏 2 1 15 - - 城防25%(2.5) 斧手/长矛手 克家族战士(战士) 肉搏 2 1 15 - 印加 城防25%(2.5),对弓箭100%(4) 斧手/长矛手/战锤手 ...
game technique of forcing the player to stop a war once some kind of war-score counter value is reached. This isn’t always fun for the player when they’re yanked out of a fun conflict that they’re not finished with yet, moments before they’re about to engage in an epic, war-...