Lately, you've been feeling a little -- to put it delicately -- backed up. You're not "going" as often as you should, and you feel bloated and uncomfortable. A lot of Americans, more than 4 million by some estimates, deal with constipation on a regular basis. Women have constipation...
She did not drink enough fluids or get enough exercise.These are all contributing factors to constipation. However, after simple and easy dietary changes this lady was having her bowels open normally within a few weeks without the intervention she had come to depend on. Provided she maintains ...
Calcium and iron supplements can also cause constipation, as can calcium-containingantacidslike Tums or Rolaids. It’s important to get enough calcium but it’s also possible to overdo it. Keep in mind that most of us get about half to two-thirds of the recommended amount of calcium from ...
It contains ferronyl iron, an altered form of the mineral that some feel is easier to digest without causing constipation. This vitamin also includes folate from an organic food blend to help with baby's brain development. While it’s more expensive than your average prenatal, this vegan ...
Essential oils for diverticulitis can be diluted in carrier oil and applied to the abdomen before or after meals or during a flare-up to help prevent or alleviate symptoms of gas, bloating, constipation, or cramping. Try a dilution of 2 drops in 1tsp of carrier oil and apply it over the...
If your baby is resisting the switch to a new formula, mixing some of the new in with the old – a little at a time – can help them get used to the change without giving them too big of a surprise at feeding time. Of course, this may not always be possible (for instance, if ...
How to Treat Your Dog's Diarrhea at HomeThere are times when your dog may be off, and you can manage their diarrhea without a trip to the veterinarian.If you have determined that it will likely be ok to try and “ride out” your dog’s diarrhea for 24 to 36 hours, then here are...
I’ve been in business for more than 30 years now, and I’ve had a lot of success with the straight-in-the-eye moral and ethical commitment. Asking, “Can I trust you with this?” isn’t an iron-clad solution, for sure; so many people give secrets away without even having bad in...
Iron-rich food can help keep your cat’s circulatory system healthy during pregnancy. Fiber-rich foods can help prevent constipation during pregnancy. Calcium- and phosphorous-rich foods help the kittens’ bones and teeth develop. (Just keep the ratio of calcium to phosphorous balanced.) Taurine ...
, flaxseed containszinc, iron, vitamin E, and calcium, among other vitamins and minerals. Flaxseed is also a great source of lignans, potassium, and magnesium, saysDanielle Omar, a registered dietitian and health coach. And finally, flaxseed is high in fiber and can helprelieve constipation....