You’ll find the Red Drum onSnowcap IslandinFisch. Leaving from Moosewood—the starting island—get on your boat, and head South East by turning to the left. The name tag of the island will appear in the distance once you get close enough, then you just have to follow it. Ice is t...
Some methods of acquiring Neonberry are more efficient than others. If you’re looking to get the most Neon Berries in the shortest time possible, you can prioritize the following methods to stack them up. How do you get Neonberries fast in Bee Swarm Simulator? Lots to do inBee Swarm Sim...
To increase your chances of getting a level seven rare or higher leveled Puffshroom, keep astock of elite Plantersin your tabs. Once the clock on the map hits the15-minute mark, plant a new one and pollinate the fields. Do the same processagainat the45-minute markto have more Puffshrr...
Once you find them, your next move is to defeat them in battle. Doing so means you get a special mask that you need to become a Vizard. How to complete the final Vizard trial inRoblox Type Soul Thelast taskyou need to complete is alsorandomand is yourfinal Vizard trial. All you have...
Toget Solar inSol’s RNG, you primarily need tokeep rolling and hope luck plays out in your favor. TheRobloxgame is entirely built around RNG, which means there’s a lot of randomness at play. There is, however,one main tactic you can use to increase your chances of obtaining Solar. ...
The Nap Time quest inRoblox Royale High, explained Complete it to get some EXP and energy. Screenshot by Dot Esports The Nap Time quest inRoyale HighonRobloxrequires you to do exactly what its name suggests—nap. As hinted in its description, you have to put on any of your comfortable ...