You need to use theSquidbait in theSummerseason to have the highest odds of hooking the Moby fish and fighting against the 95 percent progress penalty. While using fishing rods with high resistance, you can also use an Aurora Totem to enhance your luck and try to capture it. Playing on a...
Secure a 90 day tourist Visa and look for jobs to begin the ARC process asap when you arrive in the country. Visit the schools, talk to the employees, do online research on bulletin boards and forums. One of the best places to find legitimate jobs During my two years li...
or that are surprised. You use your cunning action to hide, then attack with advantage on enemies so you can get your sneak attack, and crit fish, that's how rogue combat works. BG3 doesn't appear to use flanking rules anymore, which made sneak attacking and crit fishing much easier. ...
and then not even be able to finish a run on a narrow corridor, with low progression but dangerous mobs and nary a pylon in sight — all on the same GR tier. For better or worse, this places a huge importance on the so-called "fishing": poking your head in a rift, looking at th...
Chain armor is more of an aesthetic thing, and trading is the only way to get it (unless it's in EMC shop), Priest: Enchants aside, priests have Bottle o' Enchanting and much easier to acquire glowstone to offer: 1 Bottle o' Enchanting = 1/4 emerald = 3.5 wool = 4 coal = 4.5 ...