"We do tend to see, when the weather changes, a seasonal uptick in illnesses like flu and COVID-19," Hochul said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone ages 6 months and older get the COVID vaccine, especially those over 65. The choice to get children vaccinat...
COVID symptoms are similar to those of flu, RSV, and the common cold, and may vary by vaccination status, the CDC says.
COVID-19 and RSV can surge during the cooler weather and keep people from gathering with family and friends. They cause many people to get very sick or even to be hospitalized.
"My sense is that these are glitches that will be addressed pretty quickly, but if not, please know, first and foremost, you should not have to put money out of pocket to get the COVID vaccine," Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra told reporters on Sept. 20. Here's the...
If people do choose to take the three shots separately, they should get their updated Covid vaccine as soon as possible, their RSV shot soon after and their flu jab last, according to Pekosz. He specifically recommended taking them one week apart from each other, saying that with "mo...
"No. 1, get yourflu vaccine, get your COVID vaccines; many people are also eligible for the bivalent boosters. If you're unsure, reach out to yourhealth care providerand see if you're eligible for that." Wear a mask in indoor spaces while traveling. ...
The CDC recommends scheduling your yearly flu vaccine inearly fall, prior to flu season. Even if you’re not able to get vaccinated until November or later, it is still recommended because flu commonly peaks in February and can continue into May. ...
As the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge across Europe, many people are asking how best to protect themselves and others from the virus? As always, the first thing you should do is to follow government guidance and listen to the restrictions already in p...
A large portion of the U.S. population still doesn't want to get the Covid vaccine, but they might not have a choice. Powers at the federal and state level, not to mention the legal rights granted to employers under U.S. labor law, may make it impossible
You might be wondering, “If I wear a mask around someone with COVID will I get it?”Masks do a better job of protecting you when everyone around you in a room is wearing them. Even though it's not ideal to be the only person who's masked up indoors in a public place, it still...