CHICAGO (CBS)—Public officials displayed confidence as several Cook County leaders rolled up their sleeves for COVID-19 and flu shots, to increase vaccination rates to reduce hospitalizations and deaths this fall and winter. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and several elected officials...
After the Biden Administration White House told all Americans to go out and get the COVID-19 shots and flu shots together, despite there being ZERO studies done on the side effects from taking both toxic shots at the same time, there have now been over 6000 injuries...
Yes, you can get the COVID, shingles, and flu vaccines all on the same day. And if you don't have a fever and only have "mild" cold symptoms, you can still get vaccinated with any or all of them. You just want to make sure you don't have COVID because if you do, it doesn...
The number of flu cases this past year was low, and health experts like Dr. Sampathkumar attribute that to the COVID-19 pandemic andpreventive measuresthat were put in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Somehealth expertsanticipate those flu numbers will rise this season, especially if...
COVID-19 Booster and Flu Shots at the Same Time? Chan recommends getting the booster and flu shot by the end of October as the weather takes a serious turn towards cold. Getting them together is okay, according to Wassell. "You can get both on the same day. And actually, you should...
Public health officials are urging eligible Americans to take all three shots so the nation can avoid another "tripledemic" of Covid, flu and RSV.
Unlike the Covid and flu shots, the RSV vaccine is mainly administered to infants and adults ages 60 and older who are at a higher risk of severe outcomes from the condition. "Everyone can get RSV, but usually the people who become most ill are the young and the old," Brull s...
Getting COVID and Flu Shots Together May Slightly Increase Risk of Stroke in Older Adults A Quick Review There are countless similarities and differences between COVID and the flu. Both are viral infections that spread from person to person and cause symptoms like cough, fever, and sore throat...
What happens when you get two shots at once? Getting multiple vaccinations at once isn't new. Childhood vaccinations are routinely and safely administered at the same time. For COVID and flu vaccines,randomized controlled trialsshow no significant difference in theimmune responsesof the people who...
Among adults 65 and older, half (50%) planned to get both vaccines at once, up from 41% last year. The following are reasons people cited for not wanting their COVID and flu shots in one sitting: Concerns about side effects: 56% Don’t think it’s safe to get both vaccines at ...