Telling the bad guy to stop, show you their hands, get on the ground, drop the gun, back off, or go away are all commands consistent with good guy behavior. I'm not endorsing any of those commands specifically or universally just pointing out that being loud and giving commands is a...
If a backpack is more your style and you want to use it as a concealed carry platform, there are certain things that you must look for in the backpack to ensure that it will perform the role properly. It doesn’t matter which style of backpack you choose if it performs these functions...
It Would Be Criminal to Ignore How Concealed-Carry Laws Cut Murder Rates
Yes, I dry fire often and go to the range regularly.What tips do you have for concealed carry? It can be hard to put your thumb between the gun and your body so I put my thumb on top of the back of the gun to get it out. There are different techniques. Everybody, every ...
Where once the much-maligned IDPA vest, also referred to as the “shoot me first vest,” was, indeed, a good option for concealing a strong-side worn gun in warmer weather, the concealed carry community quickly realized that it was an obvious tell that one was carrying a pistol. Sure, ...
3. Get Adequate Training Concealed carry permit classes are not the same as firearms training courses. With a CCP class, you’re simply learning the basics of concealed carry law and checking off a box that gives you the legal right to carry a firearm on your person. In addition to taking...
A belt is a cinching system that goes around the waist using tension to hold up a person's pants. A piece of rope can be a belt in an emergency! It's also a method of carrying things. Think about Batman and his utility belt, or a gentleman who decides to concealed carry. But mo...
How to pronounce these 20 town names in NJ How many of these New Jersey municipalities and neighborhoods have you been pronouncing wrong? How to pronounce NJ town names Townsquare Media NJ How to pronounce NJ town names How to pronounce NJ town names ...
Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts the victim’s data and holds it to ransom. Once the victim’s data has been encrypted, they will be presented with a message informing them that they must pay a ransom, usually in Bitcoin, in order to get access to the decryption key. Rece...
After (jìbì 既畢) having eaten their meal, they arranged a wheel-turning seat, and [the Buddha] proclaimed the profound Dharma for the elders, causing them to get rid of their fears and making their body and mind delighted.25 At that time, the Licchavi all felt joyful, just like a ...