Why Law Enforcement (per their oath to the Constitution),Sportsmen and Hunters have an obligation to promote and protect the 2nd Amendment that includes the Right-to-Carry and the so-called Assualt Weapons (that are only semi-automatic rifles, not machine guns and were given that name by ...
If you are looking for something that is easy to conceal and does not require any concealed carry permits, look into pepper sprays or stun guns. Both are very effective in disabling attackers without killing them. On the other hand, if your ultimate goal is protecting yourself from criminals ...
[172] Considering among other things, the avoided costs of crime, John Lott argues that more liberal laws granting licenses to carry concealed weapons produce a considerable net social and economic benefit.[173] While empirical claims are often met with skepticism in this debate, gun-control ...
央行办公厅印发的《经济金融术语汉英对照表》(3-4) 今天继续推荐一则中国人民银行办公厅关于印发《经济金融术语汉英对照表》的通知,虽然年代久远,但是由于是官方专门发文,对于从事中译英金融翻译的小伙伴还是有很大的参考价值的,昨天已发布表1和表2,今...