In connected mode toSonarQube CloudorSonarQube Server, the binding of your project enables the sharing of the quality profile, project settings, sync of rule description customizations, and issue status (Accept/False Positive) to the IDE.
mvn clean verify sonar:sonar$SONAR_URL -Dsonar.login=$TOKEN """ } } } Now that we have set up SonarQube and automated the flow to capture unit test coverage, it is still a tedious task to view the code coverage for 100s of projects/services in the Sonar UI. ...
SonarQube JaCoCo Coveralls Challenges in Increasing Test Coverage Best practices to perform test coverage What is Test Coverage? Test coverage refers to the extent to which testing has been performed on a given set of requirements or functionalities in a software application. It measures how thoroughl...
Sonarqubeis a great tool for source code quality management, code analysis, etc. This is the most widely used tool for code coverage and static code analysis that supports 17 languages. Install and Configure Sonarqube on Linux This guide will help you to set up and configure Sonarqube on Li...
What Is soanrQube and How to integrate it with maven project? Sonar Qube is a tool for analyzing the real-time code analysis it is developed by sonar source in January 2008. It provide support to 20+ languages like java, python,c/c++, .net, PHP etc. Sonarqube is a tool which helps...
I have this error on SonarQube quality gates: Error 401 I'm getting above error during third stage build pipeline in Jenkins. SonarQube Scanner version: SonarQube Server version: Jenkins Server version: 2.235.5 Below is...
Get cleaning! So that's it. Just keep your New Code clean to make sure that the code you release into production tomorrow is at least as good as - and probably better than! - the code that's in production today. SonarQube Server gives you all the tools you need to make that happen...
Dear gurus, Question is as we develop apex code and then we write test class which covers at least 75% code coverage of the apex class,now when I log
Document how to unstuck Cloudformation deployments … f0ba05a sonarcloud bot commented Dec 2, 2024 Quality Gate passed Issues 0 New issues 0 Accepted issues Measures 0 Security Hotspots 0.0% Coverage on New Code 0.0% Duplication on New Code See analysis details on SonarQube Cloud misaka appr...
How does your team make clean code a priority? We seek feedback from one another and work to improve as a team. Code reviews are a good place to advocate for and learn about good programming habits. They also help ensure the entire team is in alignment. ...