1Cap Micro – Cont. Pattern – Planis the perfect level to give as an example of what smoothness is about. The target has a really predictable pattern with no variation in speed. All you have to focus on here is making sure your crosshair tracks as stable as possible back and forth. 2...
Use your hero abilities well and focus on these 4 main aspects of your Valorant aim if you really want to get better: Fast reactions Micro flicking with high accuracy Controlling gun spread Recoil masteryTrain to improve your skills in these areas with the help of 3D Aim Trainer and you wil...
Having the ability to quickly acquire a target and eliminate them in as few shots as possible is going to give you a competitive edge in FPS games over players who do not practice this skill. Play now Valorant Play now Apex Legends Play now Overwatch 2 Play now CS2 Other fundamental aim ...