We all train aim while playing CS2. The process is just part of the matches. Still, without a dedicated practice, you might reach a specific limitation. CS rounds are super fast, which means you’re not always concentrating on aiming. Players probably have just a few moments per round when...
Bonus: CS2 tips and tricks that will help you fine-tune your aim! Besides following the CS2 aim trainer tips and adhering to the CS2 aim guide you may also benefit from reading more about the best CS:GO Crosshairs which help in this game too. Get familiar with the new Clicking Fundamenta...
When that being said, the map is running really smooth and it has a solid foundation for becoming a great aim training map. How to play this CS2 aim training map To play this custom aim training map, follow these simple steps: Download the map fileHERE. ...
Why Training Center 1.5c is Great for Aim Training Great for tracking Variety of different areas Great for mouse movement 3. Yprac Aim Trainer This map is great for those who already have the basics down. This map is essentially Aim lab built into CS: GO and therefore offers many of the ...
2、点击最左边的training。 3、点击最左边的任务栏。 4、在这里就可以找到六目标sxishot,选中它。 5、现在你可以点击立即开始游戏啦。 6、如果你的任务栏中没有sixshot,那你可以在左下角的搜索框中搜索它。 AimLab灵敏度换算 CS:GO的灵敏度除以3.18181818 ...
Aim training routines and exercises forevery shooting skilldesigned by ex Pros! Covers all fundamental aim skills necessary toincrease your rankin any modern FPS game. Improve your aimstep by step Try it now Test your aim Take the aim test on 3D Aim Trainer to check your skills and analyze ...
3D Aim Trainer is an aim training game created to improve your aim for competitive first person shooter games such as CS:GO, Valorant, Apex Legends, Overwatch, Krunker, Hyper Scape, and Escape From Tarkov as well as Third Person Shooter games like PUBG and Fortnite. ...
Aimlabs是一个帮助你在第一人称射击游戏「FPS」提升瞄准技巧的训练平台。无论你玩哪种FPS游戏,Aimlabs都提供了全面的工具来改善你的瞄准能力。精心策划的训练场景能让你迅速成为神射手! 进入专门设计的训练项目,掌握「快速瞄准」、「追踪瞄准」和「切换瞄准」的技巧。 Aimlabs的详细分析为你提供宝贵的意见,引导你...
Aim Training - Quick WarmUp (CS2) 发现《tief=blau》 CS上海Major征稿狂欢 游戏 电子竞技 FPS 电子竞技 演示 练枪 创意工坊 练枪教学 cs2思如涌quaN 发消息 私教up分绿泡:csgo_quan faceit10级top3完美魔王top44 major哥本哈根预选4强封闭8强野蛮部落广东省冠军...
95 -- 0:38 App CS AWP 1V4五杀 25.9万 96 0:20 App 累了一天 开了一把go天塌了 8564 -- 1:41 App 力推练枪图!Aim Training - Quick WarmUp (CS2) 百万播放 212万 2399 2:50 App [闲聊]中国人玩游戏为什么只会“干拉”? 1.8万 12 2:06 App 也是继续测评乐子枪,追击不好用,那在爆破...