Sign in to answer this question.See Also MATLAB Answers Live Script versus Jupyter Notebook 1 Answer Accented characters with interpreter latex 2 Answers Live Editor output fractions to decimals 1 Answer Entire Website 2 Dimensional Temperature Profile - Finite Diff Method File Exch...
The simplest way for polytonic (multi-accented) Greek is IMO the "textalpha" package that comes with the greek-fontenc bundle (on CTAN and TeXLive). \documentclass{article} \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[keep-semicolon]{textalpha} \begin{document} Single characters ans short w...
I need to create a specific diagram in my document, but I can't manage to do it. I have most of it, but I can't seem to get a child below the node if I already have another child on the right (blue ellipses). And then, how to get these children below all on the same ...
Vietnamese characters were added by Han The Thanh.) ItalicAngle 0 IsFixedPitch false UnderlinePosition -100 UnderlineThickness 50 Version 2.501 EncodingScheme FontSpecific FontBBox -851 -419 1512 1212 CapHeight 692 XHeight 469 Ascender 662 Descender -269 Comment PFM parameters: TeXGyrePagella-Regul...
Before we continue, for German texts you definitely want to load \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} if you are using pdfLaTeX (i.e. not when you use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX) to enable proper hyphenation of words containing umlauts and other accented characters. Additionally you may want to consider \use...
So I had to try out different encoding conversions. In the terminal, this listed all the encodings available iconv -l This way I tried out one possible conversion after the other until my special characters (ü, ß, ...) were displayed correctly in the terminal iconv -f MAC -t UTF-...
Before we continue, for German texts you definitely want to load \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} if you are using pdfLaTeX (i.e. not when you use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX) to enable proper hyphenation of words containing umlauts and other accented characters. Additionally you may want to consider \use...