It works until I am trying to use accented characters in that command. It seems that those characters are breaking the bookmark rendering. If I remove the accented characters, it works. If I replace é by \`e, it does not work. I've tried to use utf8x with \PrerenderUnicode{é} in...
14 Accented (French) characters in BibTeX database 3 Accented characters and inputenc settings 6 Automatic prefix in index for words with accented characters 2 accented characters in latex ignored in author section for CHI 2016 template 0 accented characters error 3 Unresolvable QRcode with...
So the legal LaTeX input Gurari{\u{\i}} becomes a combination that makes sense to Unicode engines (XeTeX and LuaTeX) because of their normalization rules, but is pretty useless with pdflatex. Solution: in the author field either type in Gurar{\u{i}} or Gurariĭ (the latter requir...
This issue doesn’t occur with XELaTeX or LuaLaTeX. With inputenc, if you use a non-Latin character (or other expandable) character at the start of an entry name, you must place it in a group, or it will cause a problem for commands that convert the first letter to upper case \doc...
"Package inputenc Error" when using biblatex with accented charactersAsk Question Asked 9 years, 4 months ago Modified 9 years, 4 months ago Viewed 1k times 0 I'm getting errors such as this: Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:ärt not set up for use w and this Pa...
This error is not related to LaTeX: the document compiles just fine using the terminal. Now, I did investigate a bit, and it seems that the culprits may be accented characters, hyphenation and \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} (that I thought to be mandatory for correct hyphenation when...
Write accented characters to file using \writeAsk Question Asked 7 years, 3 months ago Modified 7 years, 3 months ago Viewed 1k times 3 I am trying to output some information to an auxiliary file using \write and among other things I have authors names that often include accented letters...
How to hightlight the paragraph containing special characters "ą", "č". "ė" etc (with XeLaTex) 0 \ul from the soul package eats last character if it has less common diacritics 1 Underlining greek letters with soulutf8 and compiling with LuaLaTeX 8 soulutf8 strips char...
1 Underlining greek letters with soulutf8 and compiling with LuaLaTeX 8 soulutf8 strips characters from compound words 6 How to use inter letter space for justified alignment? See more linked questions Related 4 Index with accented letters 47 French accents in \hl from soul package 2 ...