nationality, ethnicity, gender) and we can’t wait for them to interact with each other and other interested entomologists. Some of our speakers have never been to an entomological meeting. We expect to get them hooked, or at least speak well of us entomologists once they are back at ...
“Despite the headwinds of the Trump administration, the march to clean energy and a clean economy is moving full speed ahead,” says Nancy Pfund, founder and managing partner at DBL Partners. Meanwhile, Japan, the European Union, and China have all committed to effectively decarbonize their ...
Hint: He did his homework, then took himself to the other side of the debate. Guest essay by David Siegel My name is David Siegel. I’m not a climate expert; I’m a writer. Early in 2015, I became interested in climate science and decided to spend the better ...
I consider myself to be pretty mellow. For those of you who are regular readers, you know that I’m an easy going, friendly, and lighthearted gal. I rarely vent because it takes a lot to get me angry and emotional. But being denied this promotion put me over the edge for several...
And oh, are there alotof them: somewhere on the order of1045visible-light photons come from the Sunevery second. While this number isn't infinite, it means you'd have to go to a sub-Planckianprecision to discern a frequency difference between two photons that were very close in energy. ...