We report a global accurate double-sheeted potential energy surface for the lowest doublet states with ²A" symmetry of the N3 radical using the double many-body expansion method. The functional form ensures by construction the degeneracy of the two adiabatic sheets along the D3h line and th...
the effect of Total Factor Productivity of FDI to domestic -funded enterprises is active and prominent,technical potential energy took inhibited effect to technology spillover effect as a whole,which mainly reflected in it inhibited the scale efficiency improvement and technical change,but there was ...
The main objectives of this study are; i) to define variations of wind velocity and energy potential in Istanbul and Isparta, ii) to study trends, cyclic components, micro, meso and macro scale effects and climate changing, iii) to predict wind energy potential by using artificial neural netw...
Energy Build. 2017, 151, 469–475. [CrossRef] 33. Standard Specification for Polyolefin Chopped Strands for Use in Concrete; ASTMD7508m; ASTM International: West Conshohocken, PA, USA, 2015. 34. Guide for Specifying, Proportioning, and Production of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete; ACI 544.3R-08;...
Low Carbon Development and Poverty Alleviation Options for Development Cooperation in Energy, Agriculture and Forestry; Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS): Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009; pp. 33–43. 15. General Statistics Office of Vietnam. Data of Poverty Rate in Vietnam in 2015; ...
This leading risk factor influences the metabolic processes; namely hypercaloric diet alters the low energy state which targets the HPG axis, thus creating a negative impact on female fecundity [155]. 7.8. Stress Stress is referred to as the non-peculiar response of the body to danger or ...