Yes. You do need a permit to own a hedgehog and even a ferret in the state of New Jersey! Don't ask me why. Opossums Karel Bock Opossums You can legally own an opossum but you must purchase them from a licensed pet dealer, not from the wild. ...
* The Task of the Referee Alan Jay Smith Computer Science Division EECS Department University of California Berkeley, California 94720, USA Revised July, 1999 Abstract In this article, we provide guidance to referees The task of the referee is to evaluate in a timely on how to evaluate a ...
Normally, dogs and cats don't pay a lot of attention to the visual aspect of what's going on, unless it's movement. Light or dark isn't something they tune in to a lot. Because of this, you don't really have to worry about whether or not your dog or cat will hurt it's cute...