Yes. You do need a permit to own a hedgehog and even a ferret in the state of New Jersey! Don't ask me why. Opossums Karel Bock Opossums You can legally own an opossum but you must purchase them from a licensed pet dealer, not from the wild. ...
So if you’re a legal resident of New Jersey and you need to go to the doctor in California – guess what? You don’t have coverage. An ACA plan may work for you if you vanlife in/around one place. If you qualify for subsidies, an ACA plan can also be a good hedge against cata...
unless it's movement. Light or dark isn't something they tune in to a lot. Because of this, you don't really have to worry about whether or not your dog or cat will hurt it's cute little eyes looking into the sun. Although, some dog groomers suggest maybe closing your...
Within the directorate is the Homicide Prevention Unit, which attempts to ferret out the people most likely to commit violent crimes. The behavioral analysts within this unit create psychological profiles, using data gathered from the people who have come in contact with the potential criminal -- ...
* The Task of the Referee Alan Jay Smith Computer Science Division EECS Department University of California Berkeley, California 94720, USA Revised July, 1999 Abstract In this article, we provide guidance to referees The task of the referee is to evaluate in a timely on how to evaluate a ...
So we have the little cute ferret and they have given them a lot more of a dose, they get more sick, less of a dose, they get less sick. So it’s a dose-response effect. So another animal model has come in since we last talked and then the observational evidence. Because that ...
“Out in the Great Alone“ Brian Phillips,Grantland[20-minute read] “The Most Amazing Bowling Story Ever Told“ Michael J. Mooney,D Magazine[13-minute read] “The King of the Ferret Leggers: The Classic Tale of Sportsmen Who Put Carnivores Down Their Pants“ ...
That’s room. You go back home. I’m gonna get me a little coon. Roger, my bedroom light, no, Mister James Woods. Besides, just water, gas. In a perfect, blue field, crooked points. How am I going to helicopter? To take it, friend’s chosen dream. The guy alphabetic? I’m ...
Stuart Stevens: I know. I know, but it’s out there. And that there will never be as true and beautiful a love as it was in the summer of 2008. And everything else and everybody else is going to seem like a fourth or fifth spouse. And I get that. Truth to that. Not going ...
Being a small independent publisher is never easy. It’s a bit like being a small proto-mammal (think a ferret or small rodent or perhaps a pygmy marmoset) in the late dinosaur age: rapid movement, lots of hyper-vigilance and stay lucky because someone may step on you. But in many way...