Android apkNew ProjectCreate a new Ionic Vue project:npm install -g @ionic/cli ionic start myApp tabs --type vue We can start a server to have a live test in the browser:ionic serve To run it on Android:ionic capacitor add android ionic capacitor copy android // sync files ionic ...
add your platforms ionic capacitor add ios ionic capacitor add android in the end you should also add the ios/android platforms because we need to perform some customisation as well soon. since we have added an ionic native wrapper for the cordova plugin we also need to add it to the ...
This article is a sample of how to create a mobile app usingCapacitor 3 or greaterthat plays videos and HD movies. Our UI will be written inAngular 14. I chooseNOTto addIonicto this project because one of it's best features is that it isn't necessary to useIonic. You can add Capaci...
Similarly, you can debug a TypeScript file when you run its transpiled JavaScript version in Chrome. The official TypeScript compiler, tsc, can generate source maps during the transpilation process, so now you can write TypeScript code, transpile to JavaScript along with a source map, and ...