ionic capacitor run Run an Ionic project on a connected device $ ionic capacitor run [platform] [options] ionic capacitor runwill do the following: Performionic build(or run the dev server fromionic servewith the--livereloadoption) Runcapacitor run(or open IDE for your native project with ...
ionic capacitor run ios -l --external ? Which device would you like to target? iPhone 14 Pro (simulator) (5BF8D10D-D9B8-4B0F-ADF0-A17DE9A41D75) capacitor sync ios [capacitor] ✔ Copying web assets from dist to ios/App/App/public in 446.94ms [capacitor] ✔ Creating capacitor....
One Vue-based codebase that runs on the web, iOS, and Android using Ionic FrameworkUI components. Deployed as a native iOS and Android mobile app usingCapacitor, Ionic's official native app runtime. Photo Gallery functionality powered by the CapacitorCamera,Filesystem, andPreferencesAPIs. ...
I tried using therunfrom the@capacitor/assetsand it is not working as expected, neither generating image nor updating it to the respective folders. One line of that script isexecSync('npx @capacitor/assets@latest generate --ios --android', { cwd: mobileAppRoot }); mobileAppRoot is the ro...
Im using “@capacitor/android”: “4.4.0”,` Any idea how to fix this? julio-ionic October 28, 2022, 12:09pm 2 There is some plugin that needs to be updated, would be helpful if you provide your plugin list. npx cap ls should list al...
Capacitor jsuhncc3d September 19, 2022, 1:01pm 1 HI, I followed the getting-started instructions Installing Capacitor | Capacitor Documentation When I run npx cap init I get error “npm ERR! could not determine executable to run” Any ideas why this would happen? Thanks, Josh Hills90210 ...
Starter Type: angular Starter Template: blank, side-menu & tabs Description: Running ionic cordova run android in a freshly generated starter template folder will show a blank page on any device. Using chrome remote devices tool it appea...
Build cross-platform Native Progressive Web Apps for iOS, Android, and the Web ⚡️ - chore(ios): run fmt by jcesarmobile · Pull Request #7552 · ionic-team/capacitor
This problem happens because "Run Android" is trying to run the application on an AVD (Android Virtual Device) API 34, if you remove or edit this AVD to API 33 or run the app on a non-virtual device through the cable connected to the computer (adb devices), this problem ends. Obvious...
Also Capacitor seems to be running all fine in the emulator with Android 32. So it is probably just the check. Member jcesarmobile commented Jan 19, 2022 SDK 32 is not even official yet, so not sure why Android Studio installs it instead of the latest stable (31) that was released ...