Stephen Broderick, Johns Hopkins lung cancer surgeon, says “By now, it seems pretty clear that using e-cigarettes, or vaping, is bad for your lungs. In the last 24 to 36 months, I’ve seen an explosive uptick of patients who vape… we simply don’t know the short- or long-term ef...
the UNC scientists found that the lungs of vapers—like the lungs of smokers—have elevated levels ofproteaseenzymes, a condition known to cause emphysema in smokers. The researchers also found that the nicotine in vaping liquids is responsible for the increase in protease enzymes. ...
Drink lots of fluids.When you’re sick,mucuscan trickle down the back of your nose. Staying hydrated thins the drip, making it less likely to irritate your throat and trigger a cough. This also makes it easier for yourlungsto clear out the discharge. ...
Lupus can have serious damaging effects to the kidneys which can result in kidney failure Lupus can cause inflammation in the brain resulting in headaches, memory loss, strokes, or seizures If Lupus impacts the lungs, the patient can catch pneumonia ...
The Bag style is more for the toker with the kong sized lungs. The volcano vaporizer is one of the longest production vapes that utilizes the bag with a spring loaded valve to close off any air leakage. This is so you are free to puff slowly and pinch it off until your next pull. ...
If you’re noticing memory loss and you consume alcohol, consider cutting back or avoiding alcohol. Be aware that our brains are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol as we age.6. Stop Smoking (and Vaping)The most noted negative effect of smoking is its impact on the lungs and heart,...
1. Vape or smoke your CBD. img source: There are many risks associated with smoking and using vape pens, but as far as efficiency goes, vaping remains undisputed. Inhaling CBD-rich fumes takes the CBD to your blood via the millions of alveoli in your lungs. Unlike oral ingesti...
Electronic cigarettes are designed to deliver a dose of nicotine without burning tobacco. 2011 Lighting a traditional cigarette causes the tobacco to burn, releasing smoke that contains nicotine. The user breathes in the smoke to deliver nicotine to the lungs. An electronic cigare...
ve been picking up your weed from the same guy from years and years. It’s almost a routine, you go in, take a seat, talk about what’s been going on, even sometimes express your deepest and darkest secrets to this man as after all he’s not connected to anybody – it’s almost...
However, it’s known that vaping does not produce a high enough temperature to get rid of the cuticle. Instead, wax accumulates in the user’s lungs and forms granulomas, which are insoluble lipid fragments. When you dab at least, you generate a high enough temperature to burn away the ...