Your body image can affect mental health. Poor body image increases the risk for depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. Charlotte MarkeyOct. 14, 2024 Childhood Anxiety Kids and teens can get worried and anxious, just like adults. Here’s how to know when it becomes a conc...
What exactly is healthanxiety? There are two types:Somatic symptom disorderand illness anxiety disorder, also known as hypochondriasis. A lot of people with health anxiety are unable to function properly because of their fears. They get obsessive over bodily issues, visible abnormalities, and physica...
Put your anxiety on a schedule:Pick a 15-minute window during the day to think about your anxieties. “During that time, tell your brain to just go for it and let the anxious thoughts come,” Kissen says. “But when they arise outside that time, tell them ‘I’m willing to hear yo...
“I feel like I am drowning”: What are anxiety and depression? It’s normal to sometimes think (or say) to yourself, “I feel like I’m drowning right now!” When life becomes overwhelming, exploring what it feels like and expressing it can help you identify potential mental health chal...
Other conditions.Often people with ADHD also haveanxiety,depression,mood disorders, or substance abuse problems that can make falling and staying asleep difficult. Sleep Disorders Tied to ADHD Sleep disordersare more than a bad night's sleep. And if you have one, it can steal your rest and ma...
High doses of inositol(18 grams) reduced the depression, anxiety, and binge eating associated with bulimia. NUTRITION FOR THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION It’s almost impossible to live a lifestyle that provides all the nutrients needed for good brain health and performance. The reason? All of us co...
With mental health increasingly being addressed worldwide, it's important to frame anxiety disorders and their treatments correctly. When is anxiety a problem? Anxiety becomes a problem when it crosses from being an occasional...
How to Cope With AnxietyLeave a reply Most people feel anxious from time to time, especially when going through stressful situations. Those who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, however, deal with different symptoms than the average person experiencing run-of-the-mill anxious feelings....
9 Stoic Remedies For Anxiety There’s no question that Marcus Aurelius’ life was filled with things to worry about. . Plagues. Wars. Natural Catastrophes. Financial crises. Frustrating colleagues. Personal insecurities. Existential angst. Health problems. And the loss of five children to boot, Ma...
Being aware of the moment when the thought begins to recede from awareness An acceptance-based approach means that you observe the thought you're having without the urgency you might normally feel to address it, fix it, argue with it, or believe it. You are letting it come and go without...