Dealing with a MacBook that won’t turn on is a major hassle, and it almost never happens when you have time to deal with the issue. We’ll help you try the easy steps you can do on your own to fix your device, and what to do next if this doesn’t work. You don’t need to...
A Mac that restarts unexpectedly is frustrating. There are a few reasons why your Mac might repeatedly restart. In this article, we’ll go over ways to identify why your Mac keeps restarting — and, even better, how to fix it. Why does my Mac keep restarting? The most common cause of...
Don’t be the cliché: check that the power is on and the Mac is plugged in correctly. Or if it’s a laptop, be sure that the battery isn’t dead – and if it needs charging give it a while to attempt to charge before concluding that it isn’t going to work. If yourMacBook w...
We also run throughHow to shut down a MacBook or Mac. Here are the five steps to take to unfreeze your Mac. We look at each in more detail below. If your Mac froze while you were using an app, see if you can force quit the app you are using. The problem might be specific to...
127个 上一篇【PEP教材绘本】PEP7 Unit2 Ways to go to school | Lorna Is Upset下一篇【PEP教材绘本】PEP3 Unit4 My home | The Empty Room喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 男孩7岁被拐,13年后参观博物馆,指着一物件哭泣道:这是...
Before you read a book, you have to understand the basic level of grammar and vocabulary. 基础阅读是阅读中最基础的一步,顾名思义就是具备最基础的认读能力,这个阶段通常我们在小学就已经完成了。当然这是相对于中文来说的,如果想检测自己的...
Understanding is a two-way operation; learning doesn't consist in being an empty receptacle. The learner has to question himself and question the teacher. He even has to argue with the teacher, once he understands what the teacher is saying. And marking a book is literally an expression of...
“How to read a book 这是一本为阅读的人,或是想要成为阅读的人而写的书。说的具体一点,这本书是为那些想要透过读书增进理解能力的人而写的。本书自1940年出版后立刻成为畅销书,高踞全美畅销书排行榜一年之久,翻译成多国语言,可见其受欢迎程度。
How To Read A Book 作者是著名教育学家莫提默·J. 艾德勒,他于1940年完成了图书的第1版, 1972年和哥伦比亚大学教授查尔斯·范多伦一起对书籍进行了大幅度增补改写。虽然这本书出版至今已经近半个世纪了,但它书中所提倡的阅读方法和核心理念在今天仍然被无数人推崇,指导着无数人走优秀走向卓越!How To Read...