An essential step in dealing with food allergies or intolerances is to pay attention to your body. If you notice that you feel ill after eating certain foods, note what you ate and when the symptoms started. This can help you to identify which foods are causing your problems. If you have...
Food allergiesare usually triggered even by a small amount of food and can be life-threatening, most of them causing anaphylaxis. People with food intolerances may find they can eat certain amounts of the food without any adverse reactions, the side-effects appearing only once they reach a cer...
loose stools, or diarrhea for no obvious reason or after having gastroenteritis, it could be because you are temporarily intolerant to the lactose in milk. Talk to your doctor if you think this might be the case. In the meanwhile, eating live yogurt may help bring back the good bacteria in...
Discusses food intolerance, one of the causes of an adverse reaction to food. Information on lactose intolerance; Gastrointestinal symptoms of lactose intolerance; Dietary treatment for lactose intolerance; Discussion on gluten intolerance; Potential adverse reactions of food additives.Rubin...
IBS may cause diarrhea, and IMODIUM®can help treat symptoms of diarrhea. Consult your healthcare professional if you think you may have IBS. READ MORE Food Intolerances Find out how food intolerances cause diarrhea and how to control your diet to help prevent diarrhea symptoms. ...
any age and with any breed or mix, but Siamese cats and their crosses might be at a greater risk. Consult with your vet about changing your cat’s diet to an alternative protein,hypoallergenic diet, orbalanced home-cooked dietfor a two-month trial period to treat allergies or intolerances....
Dog food intolerances can be annoying and uncomfortable, however with enough dedication and care you can determine what is causing the upset and rectify the problem quickly.
Multivitaminscan also be useful tools to round out your diet and help prevent any deficiencies. They can be especially beneficial for those with dietary restrictions, such as vegans or vegetarians, or people with allergies and intolerances.
Food Intolerances– It is quite common to discover that certain foods on the ‘safe’ list for a low-histamine diet will cause symptoms for certain individuals. So, remember that we are all biologically unique and may have different reactions to foods. So pay attention to YOUR symptoms. If ...
“While it may sound like a great idea, these tests are expensive and do not actually measure food intolerances,” says Kulp. “Too often the results include long lists of foods you should not eat, which can cause unnecessary diet restrictions that can lead to a lack of nutrients and more...