How to get an ORCID-ID-Dr.Samah Elaidydoi:10.13140/RG.2.2.31302.80964Samah_Elaidy
At any moment, you can choose to remove the link between your ORCID profile and your MyScienceWork profile. To do so, go on you
This short tutorial shows how to link your ORCID ID to your Overleaf account.
While the mutual fund setting can be informative for corporate disclosures, I also acknowledge that certain features of my setting can limit the generalizability of the results. For example, unlike mutual funds, retail investors are unlikely to be the marginal investor in equity markets, due to th...
Numbers don’t lie, but people do. And worst of all, people lie to themselves about what numbers mean. The Big Lie in media metrics for years was the Biggest Number. Media publishers got away with touting their total monthly page views or unique visitors as their “audience”. This was...
Speaking of units of measurement, an abbreviation may be used when placed next to a number in your APA format science paper. When it’s alone, it must be spelled out. Abbreviations should be used judiciously to guarantee that every bit is understood clearly. ...
How to fund learning and innovation networks for sustainable agriculture: a conceptual frameworkGerlinde Behrendt further author informationSusanne von Münchhausen further author information... RottenbergView further author information GilchristView further author information Orgad
Video: How to add an employment affiliation to your ORCID recordLaura J., Wilkinson
How to Link your Symplectic and ORCiD Profiles - University of CambridgeOpen, Access