I read the sap help.From that what i understood we can create PIR for material variant and can make stock thorugh the order it will consume only whatever we selected from MRP 3 configurable material. If i make sales order for configurable material if the material variant and configurable mater...
Enter T Code OMS2 in the SAP command field and press enter. List of material types are displayed on the screen, Select existing material type line item and click on “New Entries” or copy as an icon to define new material types in SAP. Material Type:-Update New Material key Description...
Step 1: Execute transaction code “SPRO” and click on“SAP Reference IMG” Step 2:On thedisplay IMGscreen, follow the IMG navigation Quality Management – Quality Planning – Inspection Planning – General and execute “Assign Task List Types to Material Types“. Step 3:On change view “Chan...
Solved: Hi All, How can we identify a material document which is created by MB1B transaction is reversed or not. is there any field like reversal indicator in any
Steps to Create Bill of Material in SAP Step 1) Create Material BOM Enter T-code CS01 in the command field. Enter Material / Plant / BOM usage . Step 2) Enter Item Code, Material component and Quanity. Step 3)Click on save button. A Message as ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Hi, There is an issue where user wants to change material type and industrial sector of the exsisting material .Is it posible to do so?? IF not ,how can we delete that material from material master...
Since the same method is used for queries and single selects we have to find out whether a single select has been performed, that means whether a call like the following has been sent by the OData client: /…/Products('HT-1000') In this case the table l...
Packing function is used to exchange product data between suppliers and customers. The packing of product is done by the packing material. These packing materials need to be created in the material master with material type “VERP”. Packing can we done inSAPin two ways- ...
Solved: Stock adjustment in SAP. Scenario I have a x product in SAP - 250 no.s in physical - 260 no.s I have a y product in SAP - 200 no.s in physical - 190 no.s How to
6. Save Material 7. Go to transaction MM06 Remove deletion flags if applicable, note if they were applied only to specific plant you will need to query by that plant to view the Deletion flag NOTE: If you have access I would build an variant in transaction MM17 that allows for you to...