SAP R/3 allows the creation of various categories of Bill of Material. Some of the categories of the BOM are – Material BOM (T-code CS01)– A bill of material that you create for a material known as material BOM. Equipment BOM (T-code-IB01) –Equipement BOM is used to describe th...
How to Derive Material External Number on the clas... 2022 Feb 20 Characteristics value based variant material explo... 2015 Jun 08 find a value within a field 2021 Nov 18 How to retrieve characteristics analysis value 2023 Sep 04 Characteristic value of characteristic...
Solved: Hi All, How can we identify a material document which is created by MB1B transaction is reversed or not. is there any field like reversal indicator in any
You have 2 options one is to do a development with the help of the abapers or you have to convence the client / business to have a change at the material codes and material descriptions. You can enter material descriptions in the Text views in the MMR. For material code in case if yo...
It may be needed to change certain option in our material master (due to the organizational changes, or changes in processes). We cannot use MM01 as that is the transaction code used only for creatin
Solved: Hi experts, My previous project created a planning hierarchy for a material. Now I know the material code, but when I want to find the planning hierarchy in
Solved: Hi SAP Gurus, In material type FERT some materials are maintained classfication view and some not. How to find from MARA table the list of materials with
Solved: hello everybody, I am trying to get the material group from table VBAP, since I am not so good at Abap, need kindly help from somebody, so far I could write down
Solved: Hi.I am doing Physical Inventory. I am doing Cycle counting. As per cycle counting I did classify the material like A, B,C,D. I put cycle counting indicator in
Solved: Stock adjustment in SAP. Scenario I have a x product in SAP - 250 no.s in physical - 260 no.s I have a y product in SAP - 200 no.s in physical - 190 no.s How to