Here is where you can find bricks in the Creative Inventory menu: PlatformVersion(s)Creative Menu Location Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.8 - 1.21.1 Building BlocksDefinitions Platform is the platform that applies. Version(s) is the Minecraft version numbers where the item can be found in the menu...
Since netherite or ancient debris generates only in the Nether dimension, you’ll need to first access it. So, gather 10obsidianat least and a flint and steel andmake a Nether portal in Minecraft. Apart from reaching the Nether though, you have to also prepare to find netherite in Minecraft...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft seeds with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, seeds is an item that you can not make with a crafting table or furnace. Instead, you need to find and gather this item in the game. Let's e
Struggling to figure out how to get mods in Minecraft? Learn how you can easily install mods into your game for an enhanced experience.
Locations to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.18.1 Now that you know the level at which diamonds spawn in Minecraft 1.18.1, let’s go over key locations to look for. And no, not all of them involve digging straight down. Underwater Ravines:Usually, the regular Minecraft ravines generate with...
Music Discs have been around since the Alpha version of Minecraft, growing in number as new updates and lore are released. I'll walk you through all 19 of the Music Discs, what they sound like, and how you can get each and every one of them....
adds helpful item searching and sorting functions that make it easier for players to find things in their inventories. other popular mods include "lucky block" which adds random surprises when entering special blocks into the world, or “better storage” which puts an emphasis on having plenty ...
This tutorial shows you how to get a netherite pickaxe enchanted with Fortune 100 in Minecraft! Fortune is an enchantment applied to mining tools that increases the amount of item drops.
How to get a command block in Minecraft Command blocks are not in the item slots like other blocks you might find in the game. Instead, the player has to /give it to themselves. So, type /give<player>command_block to get started in the space shown below. ...
In Minecraft, stone has the following Name, ID and DataValue: ItemDescription(Minecraft ID Name)Data ValueStack SizePlatformVersion(s) Stone(minecraft:stone) 0 64 Java 1.8 - 1.12 Stone(minecraft:stone) 64 Java 1.13 - 1.21.1Definitions Description is what the item is called and (Minecraft ID...