The ADHD-Eating Disorders Link If you have ADHD, then you’re also at risk for developing an eating disorder. Find out why feelings of inadequacy may lead to issues with food, and discover how therapy or medication can help you on the road to recovery. By Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D. Ver...
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), the condition continues into adulthood. If you have ADHD, you may tend to try to manage things on your own, or maybe you know that you need help but don’t know where to start. There are plenty of resources to help you ask for and find ...
Children with ADHD often have a harder time with working memory, which can make it difficult to focus and learn. Help your child build their ability with these tips.
Hinshaw says it’s particularly important for parents to identify their child’s strengths, in order to help foster their self-confidence. He says ADHD doesn't just entail a series of deficits, but also strengths – in addition to their high energy levels, research suggests that individuals w...
To assist you in choosing an ADHD coach for a younger child, or to help your older child find a coach that is just right for them, you can consider the following: Have a clear picture of what it is would like to accomplish through the coaching relationship. This may vary tremendously. ...
Behavioral therapists can help you find studying methods that work for your children’s particular needs. They can also help your children manage the frustrations and emotional triggers people living with ADHD often face. Be Inherently Positive ...
Where to Find a Therapist There are several ways to find a therapist for your teenager. One is through directories. ThePsychology Today Therapy Directorylists credentialed therapists for children and adolescents that can be filtered by location and specialty, such asADHDoranxiety. ...
Many grandparents may find modern childcare practices and diagnoses, like ADHD, confusing or unfamiliar. It’s natural for them to feel unsure or even helpless when trying to understand ADHD, especially if it's not something they encountered when raising their own children. While the diagnosis may...
My toddler is very particular and too smart for her own good. Plus I think she has ADHD (inattention, not so much hyperactivity) How do I help discipline her? Timeouts, counting & breathing, and reasoning (which she understands for the majority of it) are no good. Show more...
There are several opportunities for children with ADHD to meet one another, but parents are not always aware of their existence. Check out these...