Dr. Joel Wolfson provides expert ADHD treatment and care for children, adolescents, and adults. Learn how we can help improve your life.
Students with ADHD Get Help from iPad AppKanoe Namahoe
可能是ADHD! (如何缓解) 27:27 这些建议让你的英语更上一层楼 listening time 32:19 总是感觉很累,如何恢复你的能量?Why You're Always Tired- How to Get Your Energy Back 12:08 哈哈哈哈哈真的很好笑 大雁英语 19.4万 82 从此上帝后面多了一个冤死鬼哈哈哈哈哈 大雁英语 22.4万 214 如何像...
Get Adult ADHD help. Gain proven strategies, make friends and maintain positive changes in your life with the support of Adult ADHD accountability partners.
Find a therapist to help with ADHD Lots of women's magazines spend pages on how to capture and keep men's attention. They make it sound as if it's difficult! But that's because they're focused on getting only positive attention. If it's only...
For young Black males, the odds of being diagnosed with ADHD were especially stark: almost 60% lower than for white boys in similar circumstances, even thoughresearch suggeststhe prevalence of the condition is likely the same. The racial ADHD divide isn't merely a health concern. It's deepeni...
Those can be useful for anyone with ADHD and, depending on the severity of one’s symptoms, might be enough to help them function well with the condition. 1. Adults with ADHD are bad, often lazy workers Finch says, “Some people think that we're like the ‘Energizer Bunny,’ moving a...
The thing that sucks, most of all, in my opinion, about BPD is that there is so much MINIMAL awareness–and talk–about ADHD and BPD that many people think they’ve heard enough to, perhaps subconsciously, justify their apathy; thinking: “Ahh…everyone has ADHD or is bipolar! It’s mo...
How to Get Over a Breakup with ADHD: Next Steps Read:The Rules of Dating (and Breaking Up) with ADHD Q&A:“I Can’t Handle Rejection. Will I Ever Change?” Read:How Rejection Sensitivity Casts a Cloud Over My Marriage SUPPORT ADDITUDE ...
AtMom’s Choice Awards, we know that kids with ADHD often feel out of control. By encouraging your child to participate in the arts, you can help them practice self-control so that they feel more confident managing their own behavior. Plus, art is an excellent outlet for your child’s ...