What is a discriminant formula? Discriminant, in mathematics, a parameter of an object or system calculated as an aid to its classification or solution. In the case of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, the discriminant is b2 − 4ac; for a cubic equation x3 + ax2 + bx + c...
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give both roots. When only one root exists, both formulas will give the same answer. If no roots exist, then b^2 -4ac will be smaller than zero. Therefore the square root does not exist, and there is no answer to the formula. The number b^2 -4ac is called the discriminant. ...
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Learn how to calculate percentages in Excel with examples. Enhance your data analysis skills by mastering the Excel percentage formula.
Construct validity is made up of two subtypes: convergent validity and discriminant validity. Both of these subtypes are used to establish how well a test evaluates what it is meant to evaluate, but there are key differences between them. ...
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